We can help you grow your business by tapping into this affluent and
valuable niche market. For many of our loyal advertisers
we are the only advertising they use.
84% of our readership is 51 years of age or older. ● 3, 6 and 12 month Contract Options
71% live in senior communities. ● In House Graphics at no charge
40% of our readership has an annual income of over $40,000 per year. ● Multi Region Ad Buy Discounts (up to 9%)
94% of our readership owns their own home. (73% paid cash) ● Generous Prepayment Discounts
66% of our readership refer to the advertisers in their magazine before the Yellow Pages. ● Premium Placement (for additional fee)
62% of our readership refer a good service provider to a neighbor in need.
73% use the advertisers in the magazine.
96% of residents read their Mobile Home Park Magazine from cover to cover
90% of all magazines are delivered door-to-door.
67% keep each issue for 2 months (21% keep them 4+ months and 16% keep them 10+ months)
Click here for a PDF of our most recent Reader Survey
Click here for a PDF of our mechanical requirements
Click here for a current circulation map